Tuesday, March 22, 2011

busy as a Bee

Well, Corey, Tristan, and I are all Busy Bees...i hardly ever know what day it is or what time it is, becuase between working, cooking, cleaning, etc, etc....time kind of goes down a black hole.

Hopefully one day, we will have some spare time again, but in the mean time...I will update blogs when I can, and I will upload pictures when I can...I have gotten much better about taking pictures of little man, but unfortunalty they are on the camera and not the computer, and the camera is not at the house but at the Bote Shop.

Little man is talking up a storm now, has definatly improved understanding, b/c  you can easily carry a conversaation with him....and even though I probably shouldnt be proud of it, he can even Fib.

A few weeks ago, right after Corey and I had gotten back from Miami, he comes to our room at 2 in the morning...well comes and sits at the door.  Corey wakes me up to tell me Tristan is sitting outside our door.  So I tell him to come in, and he says he needs to potty...we go to the potty and i go to take him to his room.  He tells me his bed is wet, I still 90% asleep DID NOT feel like changing any sheets at 2 am, i did think it was weird that he wasnt wet, so I just figured he spilt his water cup or something...so I just let him sleep with us.  Next morning, i am running around trying to get everything together for the day, and remember that i need to strip his bed......well HIS BED WAS NOT WET, little sucker lied to me to sleep in our bed.

Anyways littl guy has strep throat, we go to the dr again tomorrow, and p.s. I really wish doctors were more reliable. 

p.s. I could probably type for hours on end about all teh fun and crazy stuff Tristan is doing, I will try to devote some time to it this week!

and...i am not spell checking or proof reading any posts from here on out, I type what I think, b/c of that whole time constraint thing...
