Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt 2011

Yesterday Tristan had an Easter Egg Hunt at school, I would call it more of an Easter Egg Gather because the eggs werent really hidden.  I Know he is only 2, but I think I would have HID at least a few of the eggs.  Anyways Tristan had no problem following instructions, and filled up his basket in about a minute, Ill have to get him a bigger basket next year.  After he filled up his basket, he kept trying to put more eggs in....and he seriously did not let go of that basket the majority of the day yesterday....which made for a pretty hyper, messy, and STICKY little man!!!

After his Egg hunt (gather), he was my sidekick for the rest of the day.  Nothing too interesting, but we had to drive to Pensacola to drop off some stuff for Bote to get powder coated.   We ate little mans Favorite on the way over (chick-fil-a) (which led me to cleaning out coreys truck after we got back).  Tristan is such a little man now, i handed him his chocalate milk, french fries, and nuggets...and he sat there and ate almost all of it....I CANT believe how quickly he is growing up. 

I also learned to never let Corey's Truck IDLE, why because the engine will overheat, and antifreeze will start going everywhere.  Thankfully this happened while at Panhandle Powder Coating, and they had one of their workers take care of it for me.  Tristan watched the truck and was laughing saying the truck is peeing, which I give him credit for ebing observant, but I did correct him and tell him the truck was not peeing....which he refused to believe...and kept telling me to look at the truck pee-pee.  Whatever, he makes me laugh!!

On another note I want to get a skype account (need to get a video camera for the computer first), and I want everyone in my family to get it, so that everyone can see the craziness that comes out of Tristan's mouth, sucks not having any family in Destin....I mean Destin is an awesome place to live (maybe Im biased), we have great weather, great beaches, why hasnt anyone else moved here yet????  I still have time to convince my little brother to move here after college, he is flying in today, so I need to keep in  mind to make sure he has a great time...come on 2017 (the year my little brother should be done with college, ill go ahead and throw an extra year in there) come on 2018 (the year I hope Tomasz moves to Destin)!!!!  Or maybe I could get to know someone high up in Publix, and have them offer Bean a position he couldnt turn down in Destin.  You get the point, I just wish we had some family down here!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Beach Bums

On the windiest day of the year, we decided to take it easy and hangout on the beach.  It was way to windy for us to paddleboard or boat out, so we headed to a Beach off of Old 98, at a friend's condo. 
It was good to take a break from doing anything around the house or working, and we all had a blast.  After the beach we headed to the pool and then we grilled out for dinner. 
This year has been great on the beach with Tristan, lasst year he fought napping on the beach or boat.  This year he goes and goes and goes, and then decides he is tired and usually puts himself to sleep (which is AWESOME).  Last year Tristan was a water rat and you couldnt keep him out of the pool, this year he is being a little scared, so we are headed back to swim lessons and hopefully he will be back to being fearless (well it will be good if he can keep a little of the fear) around the pool, maybe its that the water is a bit cold, but i have a feeling he is just way more aware of his surroundings and it scares him.  Tristan has been doing great whenever we take him places, he is getting better at listening, he still tests his limits, but he is listening and overall is not a terror when we are at someone elses house...he is a terror at our house most of the time though.
And I am finally decluttering Tristan's room, and making a space for every thing in there.  and MAKING him put things back, now I just need to wait for Goodwill to come get the pile of toys and other things I am giving away.  I put away a few of my favorite toys to keep for a possible child #2, but i would quickly fill the attic if I kept every little thing.  Somehow I have collected a lot of "stuff" over the years, so I am going to spend some time and give a little to Goodwill or some of the other charities around here.  I mean i have clothes in my closet that I havent worn in over 10 years, time to finally let some of that stuff go.

We just got a new VITAMIX blender, the most amazing thing that i have put in my kitchen, I have moved it ahead of the kitchen aid mixer that i love.  The blender is awesome, it has a ton of uses, but I have only used it so far to make smoothies...I made Corey 3 smoothies today, I finally had to tell him that I am not his personal smoothie king.  The blender is a little on the pricy side, well a lot on the pricy side (thanks mom), but it does have a 7 year warranty, and since its the same blenders that most smoothie restaurants use, i can gurantee that we wont be going to a smoothie place in destin anymore.  It also makes the best pina coladas.  Tristan and I now have a smoothie (small one) fo rhis snack after school, it hold him over til dinner, gets some fruit and vegs in, and keeps him away from snacking on other things while he waits for dinner.  Today when i was cooking, he comes into the kitchen and says "mommy, what time is dinner, im ready"...

Tristan is quite the talker these days, and i laugh at something he does at least 5 times a day, we are so lucky to have such an awesome son!  His personality and attitude are great, even though he pushes the limits and is constantly in to EVERYTHING, he is such a sweet little man to be around.

Below are some pictures from our day at the beach:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

busy as a Bee

Well, Corey, Tristan, and I are all Busy Bees...i hardly ever know what day it is or what time it is, becuase between working, cooking, cleaning, etc, etc....time kind of goes down a black hole.

Hopefully one day, we will have some spare time again, but in the mean time...I will update blogs when I can, and I will upload pictures when I can...I have gotten much better about taking pictures of little man, but unfortunalty they are on the camera and not the computer, and the camera is not at the house but at the Bote Shop.

Little man is talking up a storm now, has definatly improved understanding, b/c  you can easily carry a conversaation with him....and even though I probably shouldnt be proud of it, he can even Fib.

A few weeks ago, right after Corey and I had gotten back from Miami, he comes to our room at 2 in the morning...well comes and sits at the door.  Corey wakes me up to tell me Tristan is sitting outside our door.  So I tell him to come in, and he says he needs to potty...we go to the potty and i go to take him to his room.  He tells me his bed is wet, I still 90% asleep DID NOT feel like changing any sheets at 2 am, i did think it was weird that he wasnt wet, so I just figured he spilt his water cup or I just let him sleep with us.  Next morning, i am running around trying to get everything together for the day, and remember that i need to strip his bed......well HIS BED WAS NOT WET, little sucker lied to me to sleep in our bed.

Anyways littl guy has strep throat, we go to the dr again tomorrow, and p.s. I really wish doctors were more reliable. 

p.s. I could probably type for hours on end about all teh fun and crazy stuff Tristan is doing, I will try to devote some time to it this week!

and...i am not spell checking or proof reading any posts from here on out, I type what I think, b/c of that whole time constraint thing...

Friday, February 11, 2011

OOOPS....I wont do that again

Last night after bath time, little monster put his big boy pants on....and I FORGOT to put his night time pull up (he still puts these on like regular underwear...only if he does pee in the middle of the night, I dont have a hassle on my hands).
Well last night around 11---Tristan comes out of his room, and just stands in the middle of the living room...and says "change pants" "wet".

So at 11 pm, I had to completly redo his bed (thankfully I had put one of those waterproof matress protectors on the bed under teh regular mattress pad...but still it sucked!  I definatly wont be forgetting that one again...and its time to scale back the "Magic Juice" consumption after 6 pm!!!!

Today Tristan went on a little road trip with me, we had to head over to Pensacola to pick up some stuff for BOTE (which turned out awesome, and the company I was dealing with over there is going to be awesome to work with in the future, at least I think so).  Well the usual hour trip was much much longer with all the potty breaks...but I guess thats just part of it!  But we did have an accident free 5 hour trip (yes 5 hours)  we were only at the place in Pensacola for about an you do the math!  We had A LOT of stops along the way to take care of business!

Us at Mellow Mushroon...he is only calm because he wasnt feeling too hot
Good Morning, he wasnt to pumped about Breakfast on this day
Helping make some Bannana Pudding---he is very helpful, he tells me this all the time, even when his helpfulness isnt exactly helpful (because it either takes more time, or i have to clean up after him) its still much appreciated!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Pictures, this is something that I used to be good at, too good at.  Not as in a good photographer, but as in I took A LOT of pictures.

Well, life has gotten pretty busy, and sadly I am not the picture taken Queen anymore.

My goal is to become the picture taken Queen again~~~

Oh yeah and Tristan's new word is "sure"  You ask him something and his reply sometimes is no "sure"

We finally moved the crib out of Tristan's room and into the Bote shop, so the next challenge is to 1. get all the clothes that Monst doesnt wear (outgrown) out of his closet 2. Get all the toys in order (some in the attic, donate the rest).

Granny came to see us last week, and Tristan (and us) miss her!  She also took Einstein (the dog) back to Jackson with her for a little while.  THings have gotten pretty hectic here, and we know that she will take great care of Einee for us til things settle down a bit.  I miss him, I keep waiting for him to come out, and its not happening...:-(.  We had a great time with Granny, and Tristan kept her busy!  Now everytime I tell him no....he cries for granny.

Not too entertaining of a post, but maybe it will force me to carry around my camera more often so I have some new pictures to put up!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Night Night

This is a routine that little man has down...he takes a bath...brushes his teeth...runs around naked for a few minutes...pees...gets his PJs on...chooses 2 books...we read the books...then he usually asks to pee again...then he will ask for his "magic juice"...then he will ask me to go night night with him...his asking goes something like this..."  tuck-tuckie, mommieee tuck tuckie, mommie laydown...mommie sleepin...mommie banket (blanket)...sing...mommie, one time (insert random book name that he is asking to read)...Hugs...kisses...lay down mommie"  then eventually i leave his room...and he usually will ask for me to lay down a few more times before finally giving up and falling asleep....

well the other night, when we were waiting for corey to get home to eat dinner...little man pushes me into his room to sit down and play, he then sneaks off and locks me in his room...i go out to get him...because he is of course making a dash for the dog food...he then tells me mommy night night, and pushes me to his i  lay down...and he does his bedtime routine with me...he sang to me, gave me hugs and kisses...brought me magic juice...and everytime he would get ready to  leave the room I would fake getting upset, so he would turn around to give me hugs and kisses and pat me on the back and sing his song to me (mommy loves her boy boy boy---not a real song just one we made up---and we sing it byinserting the name of his choice...which hes up to a ton)...then he wouuld gradually try to inch away and leave me and i would fake gettiing upset, and he would come back and "calm me down"....we did this over and over for about 10 minutes...tehn Corey got home, and he ran to corey and says mommmiee ki--en (crying), mommie night night...

it was hillarious and the cutest thing the little man and his night night demands---he is becoming an excellent negotiator at getting one more book!!!

The Picture Below is on a morning stroll to the beach, we can not wait for the weather to warm up!!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Future Fisherman/paddleboarder

As many of you know, our family (and I include all of us, Tristan too) has started up a Paddleboard company, check out our website at  Paddleboarding a great family activity, and I cant wait til it warms up to get Tristan out on the water.  He loved it last summer...and Im sure by the end of this summer he wiill want his very own!  He is an independent little thing, and if it wasnt for the size of the paddleboard, I could see it now... Little Monster going for a paddle by himself when no one is looking (the 30 lbs might be a little issue...but considering he carries around a 10 lb medicine ball...i could see him pushing one of these into the water with ease.  Below are some pictures from the store the other day...Corey probably shouldnt have shown him to stand on this in the store...because now he wants to go "fish" all the time...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

SO its been a while...

and in an effort to keep my sanity, Im going to give this blog a go again (and I also want to be able to read back on some of Tristan's adventures (and I want to share his adventures, b/c they deserve to be shared), because Im sure I will forget a little or maybe a lot as time goes by) keeping my sanity..i mean not that I am really losing my sanity....I just think that it might help me see the light of things when I have a troll that runs around the house and GETS INTO EVERYTHING!!!!
Little Monster (how fitting this name turned out to be) has done a lot in the last 6 months and I would be typing all night if I tried to put all of that into this post, so Im just going to jump ahead to now. 
He is a bundle of energy that never stops moving, if you turn  your eye for a second he is into things that you never thought that he could possibly be into.  Like....
1.  He fixed himself a cup of coffee the other day, by fix, I mean he climbed onto the counter top, into the cabinet and grabbed the entire jumbo thing of coffee (I am a coffee drinker, and I only buy the largest possible containers of coffee)...reached over to the next cabinet and grabbed himself a mug....filled his mug with grinded coffee....and I find him enjoying this on the counter
2.  He has somehow fit about 6 rolls of toiletpaper into a toilet, and then wondered why it wasnt flushing (but thankfully to his fascination of flushing toilets, i was able to convert this to an almost fully potty trained 2 year old!!!!!, more on that later )
3.  He has served Einstein about 20 lbs of food at one time, meaning he filled and overfilled einsteins bowl...then sat and enjoyed it with him...Tristan LOVES kibbles and bits
4.  He has sharpied his entire bathroom, the floors of our bedroom and bathroom, and im sure other places that I have not yet found.
5.  He has gone down for a "nap" by mysterioulsly and quitely ended up in the laundry room along with an entire bottle of car wash on the floor (this was about a month ago, but I was reminded of it when I finally

really cleaned it up today)

Tristan also has a ton of personality, and TALKS alot, and loves loves loves loves loves his "juuu---ce"...he would literally drink a gallon of juice in a day if you let him...we got a new fridge about a month ago...that has an ice maker and water dispenser (how did we live with out this for soooo long??? oh and this fridge actually works ...or old one would freeze half the things in the fridge, unfreeze and refreeze things in teh freezer, and it didnt have door shelves, it was pretty much worthless)...anyways we convinced Tristan that the fridge has MAGIC JUICE (really just water) and we now put an drop of juice in with the MAGIC now Tristan Juuuice, peas (please).

Potty Training.....welll we kind of eased into this...we were able to make him "aware" of going to the bathroom last summer...becauase the child lived in his bathing suit...and lets be honest, those swim diapers do nothing but make a gigantic mess really, and in all they are worthless..( he did where them at swim lessons and when we have swam in pools) since he was virtually naked all summer he became "aware"...I had heard that you needed a few days to completly devote to potty I waited until Christmas time because he had 2 weeks out of daycare/preschool and we went full force (but since we had family in town most of this time, it wasnt was easy as I would have wanted it to be)...and my 16 year old little brother thought it was gross that i let him run around without pants and was following him with a potty (and you may too) but it progressed to once the fam left, i was able to really focus on it with him, and within a few days he had got it.  Also many thanks to his teacher at school for helping out...she had no problem with having to change his clothes a few times, and as of today he has been an accident free man at school the last 2 weeks...and pretty much an accident free man at home too...we still wear a nightime pull up to bed...b/c i am just going to wait til i think he can make it to the potty by himself in the morning...and he will probably need to chill on the magic juice before bed before we make the leap to "undee ware" at night.

Even though Tristan can be an absolute pill at when you just finish cleaning, mopping, and obsessivly scrubbing the baseboards and doors with lysol...and he follows and spills an entire jug of juice onto the floor that he was trying to get out of the fridge all over the floor...and then carries an apple and drops it everywhere and puts the stickiness onto the walls, and einstein follows and licks the apple goodness...which then his dog hair gets stuck get the picture.....Tristan is the most loving little man...he hugs and kisses and squeezes and says I love you and "hold me peas" and asks for kisses when he gets hurt...and then after you kiss him...he says all better....and even though sometimes I want to pretend to be asleep when I hear "" I really am lucky to have such a fun loving, crazy, curious little man as my side kick each and every day...
