Friday, February 11, 2011

OOOPS....I wont do that again

Last night after bath time, little monster put his big boy pants on....and I FORGOT to put his night time pull up (he still puts these on like regular underwear...only if he does pee in the middle of the night, I dont have a hassle on my hands).
Well last night around 11---Tristan comes out of his room, and just stands in the middle of the living room...and says "change pants" "wet".

So at 11 pm, I had to completly redo his bed (thankfully I had put one of those waterproof matress protectors on the bed under teh regular mattress pad...but still it sucked!  I definatly wont be forgetting that one again...and its time to scale back the "Magic Juice" consumption after 6 pm!!!!

Today Tristan went on a little road trip with me, we had to head over to Pensacola to pick up some stuff for BOTE (which turned out awesome, and the company I was dealing with over there is going to be awesome to work with in the future, at least I think so).  Well the usual hour trip was much much longer with all the potty breaks...but I guess thats just part of it!  But we did have an accident free 5 hour trip (yes 5 hours)  we were only at the place in Pensacola for about an you do the math!  We had A LOT of stops along the way to take care of business!

Us at Mellow Mushroon...he is only calm because he wasnt feeling too hot
Good Morning, he wasnt to pumped about Breakfast on this day
Helping make some Bannana Pudding---he is very helpful, he tells me this all the time, even when his helpfulness isnt exactly helpful (because it either takes more time, or i have to clean up after him) its still much appreciated!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011


Pictures, this is something that I used to be good at, too good at.  Not as in a good photographer, but as in I took A LOT of pictures.

Well, life has gotten pretty busy, and sadly I am not the picture taken Queen anymore.

My goal is to become the picture taken Queen again~~~

Oh yeah and Tristan's new word is "sure"  You ask him something and his reply sometimes is no "sure"

We finally moved the crib out of Tristan's room and into the Bote shop, so the next challenge is to 1. get all the clothes that Monst doesnt wear (outgrown) out of his closet 2. Get all the toys in order (some in the attic, donate the rest).

Granny came to see us last week, and Tristan (and us) miss her!  She also took Einstein (the dog) back to Jackson with her for a little while.  THings have gotten pretty hectic here, and we know that she will take great care of Einee for us til things settle down a bit.  I miss him, I keep waiting for him to come out, and its not happening...:-(.  We had a great time with Granny, and Tristan kept her busy!  Now everytime I tell him no....he cries for granny.

Not too entertaining of a post, but maybe it will force me to carry around my camera more often so I have some new pictures to put up!!!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Night Night

This is a routine that little man has down...he takes a bath...brushes his teeth...runs around naked for a few minutes...pees...gets his PJs on...chooses 2 books...we read the books...then he usually asks to pee again...then he will ask for his "magic juice"...then he will ask me to go night night with him...his asking goes something like this..."  tuck-tuckie, mommieee tuck tuckie, mommie laydown...mommie sleepin...mommie banket (blanket)...sing...mommie, one time (insert random book name that he is asking to read)...Hugs...kisses...lay down mommie"  then eventually i leave his room...and he usually will ask for me to lay down a few more times before finally giving up and falling asleep....

well the other night, when we were waiting for corey to get home to eat dinner...little man pushes me into his room to sit down and play, he then sneaks off and locks me in his room...i go out to get him...because he is of course making a dash for the dog food...he then tells me mommy night night, and pushes me to his i  lay down...and he does his bedtime routine with me...he sang to me, gave me hugs and kisses...brought me magic juice...and everytime he would get ready to  leave the room I would fake getting upset, so he would turn around to give me hugs and kisses and pat me on the back and sing his song to me (mommy loves her boy boy boy---not a real song just one we made up---and we sing it byinserting the name of his choice...which hes up to a ton)...then he wouuld gradually try to inch away and leave me and i would fake gettiing upset, and he would come back and "calm me down"....we did this over and over for about 10 minutes...tehn Corey got home, and he ran to corey and says mommmiee ki--en (crying), mommie night night...

it was hillarious and the cutest thing the little man and his night night demands---he is becoming an excellent negotiator at getting one more book!!!

The Picture Below is on a morning stroll to the beach, we can not wait for the weather to warm up!!!!
