Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Two Posts in ONE day...I must be procrastinating

Actually Im just doing laundry, lots of it, and there happens to be a lot of down time during laundry marathons.  Tristan has been napping for about 3 hours, basically since we got home from swim lessons.  Swim lessons went well again today, the instructor at the lessons, has given Tristan the nick name "Bam Bam" because he is so blonde and strong and never still.
On a completly different note the cutest thing happened at swim lessons today.  There is a 3 year old boy and his 6 month old sister that are in Tristan's class.  The kids in the class break up into 3 groups and we all rotate into stations, different stations focus on different things.  One of the stations focuses on floating on your back, the 6 month old little girl, FELL ASLEEEP while floating on her back, and STAYED ASLEEP for the rest of the class---maybe girls really are calmer!!!!
Today Tristans first station was on the steps...there are 4 steps leading out of the pool, Tristan can hold his head out of the water easily on the first 2, and barely on the 3rd.  The station was structured to get the kids to go under water and put the rings into buckets at the top of the stairs. Tristan (BAM BAM) loved this, he would go under water and hesitanly throw his ring into the bucket.  Well when it was time to leave this "FUN" station he threw a FIT.  I mean Id be pretty upset too if I was having a grand old time collecting rings only to be forced to go float on my back for the next 10 minutes.  But he got over it and we continued with the swim lesson.  I think that if I was ever teaching swim lessons to children under 3, all toys would be put away, because the second Tristan sees a toy he wants to go play.  The child does not focus well when he sees something he wants.  But in the swim schools defense, the other kids did not get upset when having to leave the toys.
In the beginning of June, Tristan started attending Noah's Ark preschool 3 days a week, from 9-3:30.  The first day was rough for him, he cried and asked about his mama (which has now turned into mo-me, because of his school), but overall he loved it.  I was not so sure they could teach him to take a nap on a mat, but guess what he slept for TWO hours on his mat yesterday (the first day it was only 15 minutes and his naps have gradually gotten longer since starting).  He does say "school" now, we talk about it a lot when we are at the house.  Tristan has complete utter MELT DOWNS when we drop him off, cling to your leg, open his mouth, cant breathe MELT DOWNS!  But the teacher says that he does great shortly after we leave, and does very well the rest of the day.  There is nothing sweeter than when you go to pick him up and his face lights up and he runs to give you a hug ( I LOVE IT).  Yesterday when he went, Corey took him, Corey said that as soon as they pulled up to the school, Tristan started his meltdown.  Im kind of jealous that Corey got the first "gift" that Tristan made at school, Tristan painted a brick for Corey for Father's Day.  Id take a picture and post it, but the Brick is on Corey's desk at work (ill try ot remember to take a picture some day soon).  Tristan was on the waiting list FOREVER at Noah;s Ark, and I am glad that he finally got in.  The preschool seems to be very well organized and educationed focused and I love that they are structured and keep to a tight schedule on everything.  For those of you who dont know, one of the main reasons Tristan started going to "school" was so that I could have a couple of hours to myself to get thigns done and I have also started working again.  I have always been interested in Real Estate and an opportunity presented itself and I decided to go for it, so I am now a working mom (part time, but still). 
There is probably a lot more that i could write about, but I just heard the laundry machine beep at me, so its back to chores for now.

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